Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Five: I saw it in the Movies


1. In Citizen Kane, the main character’s last word before dying is “Rosebud,” which is discovered later to be the name of a favorite childhood sled. The idea is that this rich, powerful, hated man, in his last moment, finds himself thinking of happy, innocent times. If the film were about your life, what word might you utter in similar sentiment?

This is tough. Hmm, I guess i might say pooh bear, as silly as that is. I still have the Pooh Bear (version 2.0) I slept with since I was a baby to well into my teens. I'm so lame, but I bet you have a childhood toy tucked away in your closet, too.

2. In Groundhog Day, the main character is forced to live the same day again and again until he has learned to love others and to love himself. If you found yourself in an endless loop, living one day repeatedly until you learned the lesson that was holding you back, what would that lesson be?

To forgive myself more easily. I don't hold grudges, and I forgive others relatively quickly, but I have a hard time forgiving myself.

3. In Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter who have difficulty understanding each other find themselves each living the other’s life (occupying the other’s body and everything!). If this were to happen to you for similar reasons, whose body would you wake up in?

My dad's. We get along, but me and my dad look at the world in very different ways.

4. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones has to jump into an underground room filmed with the one thing that freaks him out: snakes. “Why did it have to be snakes?” he asks. If the movie were about you, what would you see in the underground room?

Oh this one is easy: Bees, wasps and yellow jackets. I am terrified of them. In fact, funny story, I was cooking burgers yesterday and two yellow jackets and two wasps (I think they were tag-teaming it) came after me. I ran in side quicker than Speedy Gonzales. My mom, brother, and sister thought this was histerical, but, hey, I was stung as a kid, I'm allergic, and I don't like things that buzz and sting.

5. In Sideways, the main character is asked to explain his love for wine made from a certain grape. As he describes the grape, we realizes he is also describing himself, saying that it must be carefully tended and that it is easily damaged. If the film were about you, what passion (hobby, food, collectible, or activity, for example) would you describe and how would you describe it so that you were also describing yourself?

Wow, I have to think on this one.

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