Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Five: Who in your life?


1. Who in your life would make a really good butler?

My friend Emily. But wait! There is more to this question. She would be the sort of butler who lives in a Disney film, the heroine with big dreams and a bigger heart who helps others on her journey. And this is not my answer only because in high school we wrote out a terrible, wonderful story with ourselves as characters, and she happened to be a butler-like maidservant who was crucial to the young prince finding out his destiny.

2. Who in your life would make a really good head of state?

This one is tough. I think I would make a great head of state, haha. Hmm, I'll say my friend Matt the Journalist. He was an excellent editor for our school paper, and he leads well. His work is fantastic, and I hope I get a change to work with him professionally.

3. Who in your life would make a really good TV talk-show host?

My friend Anne. She glows, and she would be the host/investigative journalist who could get all her guests to cry and then she'd hug them. Anne is so genuine, though, she's a bit of an anti-host as well, but that is what would make her popular. She would sweep the ratings in her afternoon slot!

4. Who in your life would make a really good astronaut?

My little brother, Greg. He likes science and making things explode, but he is also very intelligent. He likes to ride his bike or scooter at break-neck speeds, and he's not one to turn down something "Sweeeeeet!"

5. Who in your life would make a really good movie director?

Matt and Chad. They're a tag team of cinematographic talent. You can actually see Chad on this big screen this summer as "Random Student" in the film 21, and he made his debut last Christmas as "Audience Member" in The Great Debaters. You can see him in the trailer if you look close. ;)

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