Friday, October 19, 2007

The Friday Five

1. Name five favorite movies.
Jurassic Park, The Last Unicorn, The Italian Job, Dirty Dancing, Howl's Moving Castle
2. Name four areas of interest you became interested in after you were done with your formal education.
History. I hated it in high school, but in college I love it. I adore all my International Relations courses and I have learned so much. Modern Dancing, which I never really liked when I danced with a studio. I took a class through my university and it was fun. Spanish. I took French in school, but now I would like to learn Spanish. News. I watch CNN, CNBC, all those channels.
3. Name three things you would change about this world.
I don't know you well enough to get out my soap box, Friday Five. There are plenty of things I would change, but I am wise enough to hold my tongue until I am speaking to someone who can help me change those things. :)
4. Name two of your favorite childhood toys.
My Pooh Bear toy and my American Girl Doll.
5. Name one person you could be handcuffed to for a full day.
I could probably survive being handcuffed to my sister, but I don't know if she could survive being stuckto me. It would make for a great story to tell.

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